Date on Cheque doesn't include year


Registered User
I got a cheque in the post yesterday with the day written as 17/7 and no year - will there be a problem when I go to lodge this or will it be ok?
i got a cheque once with no date on it. i simply added the date myself and got it cashed no problem.
Bank staff generally do not look at such trivial things on cheques.

They might if the cheque is for a substantial sum.

I would advise you to add in the year.

I always thought you shouldn't alter a cheque in any way, unless it was done by the original signatory and they initial the change.

Is this not the case?

I'd be inclined to leave as is, take in to be cashed, and if it's queried follow it up with the bank and/or person who wrote the cheque. Chances are, they won't say anything for something like that.
As a banker I'd say a lot depends on the amount of the chq. When you present it to the bank where it is drawn the official will be able to look up & see if the chq is in sequence etc & will be able to make a decision about it.
I'd leave it as is without alteration because as previous poster said you're not supposed to alter a chq. Only the drawer is supposed to do that & initial it.
I have been told by a banker that they don't.

Hmmm ....

I wish that banker had been the person who checked a cheque written by me at the start of the year with the incorrect date - '06 instead of '07.

That little trivial matter cost me €12!

And, I got an awful fright when I saw that the cheque amount had been returned to my account when I checked online. I had to explain to the recipient why the cheque did not go through. (Of course, I blamed the recipient for not examining it properly and changing the date before presenting it) .;)

Hmmm ....

I wish that banker had been the person who checked a cheque written by me at the start of the year with the incorrect date - '06 instead of '07.

You should be banking with my local AIB branch then!! :D
It's only for 300-odd euro so i'll chance it and see what happens.
Thanks everyone!
As someone who used to work at BOI I can say that it will probably go through, but banks to take a small sample of cheques and any that have imcomplete or unintelligible data would be refered back to their originating branch where someone in batch would track down the person who wrote the cheque and find out what it is supposed to say. Most likely it will add a day to the clearing if nothing else. If you're cashing it the cashier should catch this, but in actuality they usually don't - either way it goes through the batch system and has a small chance of being caught later and going through the above.
Lodge it with the automatic lodgement facility in the bank.

Then, at least with the BOI, it's opened in a secure environment with TWO people checking what comes out of the envelope. Twice as much chance of getting picked up.

Mind you, it would go through my local branch, I lodged a cheque to my husbands (single) account using his card and told the teller it wasn't my account. He asked if I had the pin to which I warily replied "yes"....and he told me to punch it in!