Data card/ Air Card not on 3G


Registered User
Just bought and entered a contract with O2 for a data card/ air card. I went with O2 because I need to be able to use the card abroad. However when I bought it first it was only on dial up and O2 told me their 3G was down and being fixed. I've just come back from France where it never once went on 3G- in fact the only options available to connect to were dial up- and at home again 3G still not working. Although O2 are nice to talk to when I ring up they don't seem to get very far in solving this. I really wonder whether these data cards are all they are cracked up to be. I might as well go on wifi abroad if 3G won't work permanently? And I can still connect to dial up at home. I really wanted 3G for the speed. Does anyone else have one of these cards and is it working?
was using the VF one in the UK last week and all was fine with 3G. in ireland it has only gone down to GRPS from 3G once or twice in about a year and a half.
Hmmm, vodafone told me I couldnt use theirs in France. But it's good to know they can actually work!