DART - grrrrrrrrrrr


Registered User
Consumer Issue or Letting Off Steam ? Who knows - maybe I need somewhere called Unbridled Rant ?

New DART schedule. You may have seen, or be aware of, the Irish Rail adverts along the lines that they're making improvements, improving customer service ? Ronnie Drew reading weak copy about two of everything and double-takes ?

My ar$e.

The schedules changed over the weekend. Up to last week there used be 7 southbound trains for me to use between 07:00 and 09:00. Now there are 6 and guess which one they cancelled - that's right - the one I used to get. Now, to get to work for 9:00, I need to be at the station 5 minutes earlier. No biggie but, for me, not an improvement.

In the evening there used be 5 northbound trains for me to use between 17:00 and 18:00. Now there are 3 which leaves me waiting on the platform for longer and getting home 15 minutes later. Again, no biggie, but still no happy camper.

This is on top of them introducing new stock that have less seats than the original carriages. So less trains and less places to sit on what arrives.

Am I happy ?
:mad: :mad: :mad:
well on a relatedissssh matter i arrived in carlow train station to find a note stating that the 6.20pm train to dub was cancelled for good!!!!!!! just like that no consideration or notifaction of same!!!!! next train not till 7.30pm. This country is a joke and we continue to tolerate it and if u give out everybody says ur a trouble maker AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm delighted with the new timetable, especially in the evenings (I use the Malahide line, now a DART/train every 30 minutes).
I'm delighted with the new timetable, especially in the evenings (I use the Malahide line, now a DART/train every 30 minutes).

So they're 'robbing' Bayside/Sutton/Howth to accomodate (Donaghmede)/Portmarnock/Malahide.

Damn blow-ins ;) !
TarfHead said:
So they're 'robbing' Bayside/Sutton/Howth to accomodate (Donaghmede)/Portmarnock/Malahide.

Damn blow-ins ;) !

I've seen mentioned elsewhere (maybe not this forum though) that the eventual plan for the DART is to stop the Bayside/Sutton/Howth service completely, and replace with a shuttle bus service instead.

Seems like this is the thin end of that particular wedge.
I too have seen that proposal, though in connection with extending the DART to the airport. Given that under Transport 21 we will each have a LUAS, DART and metro stop outside our front door .. ;) ...
Look at the volumes left on the DART from Howth Junction to Malahide and it makes perfect sense that there should be more services.

Supply and demand etc.