I also got this offer from Danske, I have a mortgage on my main residence split into two parts, an offset and 0.5% tracker (combined total approx 58K) . I have spoken to the guy taking care of this from Danske on two occasions. My understanding of the way it works is that everyone is offered a 20% discount on the total amount outstanding plus the amount of interest you would need to pay at a rate of 4% (I think that’s the rate he said) if you were to refinance the amount outstanding with another institution for the same period as ones current mortgage. Both of these combined in my case come to just over 18K, this equates to just owe 31% of the current outstanding amount.
I think this is a good deal and I most likely will take up the offer. I’m fortunate to be in a position of not needing to refinance.
Is there any obvious pitfalls that I should be aware of ????