Danske bank morgage via pepper


Registered User
I have a morgage with dankse and back in febuary i got into arrears due to being in hospital having an operation. My arrears are €1500. I have been back paying my full morgage for 3 months now but this new crowd who have taken over danske are harrasing me to pay the arrears even though i verbally argeed with danske back in may to have the arrears capitalised.
They ring me morning and evening even on saturdays and are really really rude and make me feel like a begger . Im not in a position to pay arrears but the say they are sending me out a finacial statement to fill in..any thoughts or opinions welcome.
Check out the CCMA.

They are not allowed to hassle you like this.

Make a note of every call you receive , the date , the time , the caller and what they said.

Thank you brendan..this pepper crowd seem brutal to deal with. They told me i had no.fire cover on my morgage even though i do and i told them i send in cert in may to danske to prove. They ignored this and said they never recieved. I advised them to get my records fully off danske and they told me i was being difficult. !! Its so stressfull.