You have all 'waxed vociforilously' (spelling, that just came into my head now, maybe it's Shakespeare, or Merriman?) but none of you have answered my question about 'cheques'?
Generally, cheques are not necessary anymore. Online banking, credit card, debit card can take care of most bills. I find myself not using cheques very often at all. Only use for PRSA top up or such.
Danske bank - good online banking, not free anymore, but no real branch network. OK for me but may not suit others. I am with them 20 yrs or so.
Add my two cents to the pros versus cons of Danske ...
Good online banking. Feature rich.
Good 1 year term deposit rate.
Good product information on their website.
Somewhat focused on the future of banking.
Laser cards. No clear plan to replace Laser yet. No international debit card offered. Makes purchases online difficult.
Not clear if they are committed to consumer products in the medium term.
Expensive current accounts. Most expensive on the market.
Low rates for lump sum savings.
Nightmare / slow setting up accounts with them.
Danske have sky high loans to deposits ratio, they are heavily loss making in Ireland and have several years of accumulated losses here.