Dangerous Sulky Race Cork-Mallow Rd: Are these Travellers above the law?

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Travellers are not above the law. I reckon of any ethnic group they are the ones who will be prosecuted.

On the other hand many of them do not do themselves any favours. Then there are the reality tv programmes like My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding which leave itinerants open to public scorn.

Very few itinerants make it to university. Many of the settled community do make it to university and take every grant available even when honest entitlement does not exist. It is very easy to sit back and criticize the Travelling Community and have great laughs pointing fingers etc from a safe distance.
Most people would prefer that option, except substitute "instead" rather than "as well"

a very easy going take on travellers there....do you have much interaction with them in real life I wonder?
.... personally yes - on many occasions - and I can't say any of them were to pleasant.... ranging from
- intimidation of an elderly relative to extract €2000 for throwing a few shovels of tarmac on the driveway (a particularly nasty incident!)
- horses roaming freely in public areas incl roadways
- our 'friends' on the sulkys
- the discarding of litter/rubbish
- witnessed the 'entourage' moving into business parks over weekends and requesting money from the businesses in order to move out
... to mention but a few
a very easy going take on travellers there....do you have much interaction with them in real life I wonder?

To be honest, I do not know many Travellers. However, I know some former Travellers. These that I know had to handle every kind of situation from blatant racism to being the joke of the day.

Let's swop places with Travellers for a moment. You apply for a job and know full well you wont even get to the interview stage. If you are lucky enough you do get the job, but only on prolonged probation. Your new work colleagues don't want to know you let alone trust you. You prove yourself worthy of the job and eventually you are established. Anything that goes wrong makes you an easy target. Add in personal relationships and you are into a no-go area.

I know I said earlier that many Travellers do not do themselves many favours. The media is always ready to point the finger and unfortunately there are some Travellers who are willing to play along not aware of what the media wants to promote. Travellers are on a hiding to nothing and do not have agents to represent them. You only have to look on a few previous posts on this subject to see. If the same posters said the same things about other minority communities in Ireland there would be uproar on here.

Those Travellers who become educated and integrate with the settled community are never recognised for what they have achieved and remain despised. They are not a draw on the taxpayer. They cannot visit pubs, have difficulty in acquiring a venue for a weddings etc.

I am not saying they are all saints but neither is everybody in the settled community courting sainthood.
Where did you get this from?

Look at page 67 of this Pavee Point report from 2005.
It recieved the majority of its funding from various government agencies. 36% came from private donations.

[broken link removed]

So I would consider this government funded. Taxpayers money.
8 years for a Dublin business man for importing Garlic and not paying tax and this creature will be out in 3 years after killing a beautiful young girl while blind drunk and banned from driving.

He has 29 previous convictions, most of them motoring offences, but also for theft and spamspamspam possession.

Are judges more lienient when sentencing travellers?

From that article

"He said he had consumed about 25 alcoholic drinks in less than six anda-half hours on the night of the incident."

So what? Why should drink be used as an excuse....is he not...an ADULT??
I don't understand why some posters can't accept that in Ireland (and to a lesser degree in UK) that :-

- Travellers can do what they like with only the most heinous of crimes being (lightly) punished.

- If people object to certain aspects of their behaviour, or perhaps the siting of a halting site next to one's home, or even the complete destruction of a vast swathe of river-side park-land (as my residents association did some years ago) then those objectors are nasty racists.

- The only acceptable comments are those concerning the preservation of their culture, how they are subjected to relentess persecution and how ignorant people are about the Travelling community.

- We must continue to pay for them ,whether with social welfare payments, nontaxation of vehicles, cost of halting sites, payment of grants to their organisations etc etc

If one resigns oneself to accepting those points and many other concerning Travellers then one is less likely to get irate.

Being involved in a residents association (which achieved some success if many fields except one concenring this community) I realised that there is little one can do unless one is prepared to be branded as an intolerant racist and, worse, suffer threats of violence from members of that community.
we are always going to have travellers, every country has them in one form or another, best just get used to it.

Travellers do have agents....Pavee Point and plenty of other NGO's trying to posh their agenda (all of course to get a bigger slice of the taxpayer funding cake for themselves).

I know settled Travellers. Not despised at all by the locals where they live. Treated the same as everyone else because they live the same lives as everyone else...work, obey the law, drink in the same pubs without smashing them up or their own houses afterwards etc etc).
The 'mobile' Travellers I know, mainly from coming across them in local pubs/trying to sell goods/services on a door to door basis ....bad news the majority of them. Always cause trouble in pubs when there's more than 4 or 5 of them around, trying to sell 'dodgy' items and involved in crime. They bring so much of the bad reputation on themselves, and to be honest, I don't think it bothers them at all

You say you don't know many travellers ....I think perhaps you don't know many settled ones either
we are always going to have travellers, every country has them in one form or another, best just get used to it.

...... eeehhhhh.... No.

There is no shortage of cash with many of the travelling community. Everything bought in cash.... caravans etc.... what's the source of income, do they pay any taxes, what contributions do they make to society and upkeep of the areas that they occupy.... its the city and county councils collect their refuse for free... its my tax euro's that is paying for all of this.

If i walk the dog down the street I get a €150 fine if it craps on the footpath and I don't clean it up.

How much is the fine for horseshsh1t on the road and who's going to enforce it.

as long as you get individuals, groups and organisations creating the 'oh thats' racist' with regard to any comments being made about the travelling community then it will just go on and on- - which is deplorable in my opinion.
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Its only a small minority giving them a bad name; I must be fierce unlucky so as I tend to only bump in to this minority within a minority.
I have worked in shops where they blatantly try to steal, and when caught they brazenly make a quick accusation of defamation as they casually walk out the door as if nothing has happened. The only difference that settled/ordinary folk make when trying to rob things is that they are at least bothered about getting caught.

I think it's fair to say at this point that they could put their culture in a museum, and consign it to history, because the traveller life belongs to a different time and is unrecognisable from what is on show today.
well to be fair not all 'the rest of us' obey the law all the time

... and this is my point... in many instances where wrongs are highlighted about travellers, that it gets blurred over by people who then call out the fact that other communities are not perfect either - therefore there is a unwarranted acceptance of what they do! Right?
well to be fair not all 'the rest of us' obey the law all the time

That's true but you don't get "Scanger Point" coming out saying that it is their culture to race souped up Mitsubishi Colts on Ireland's back roads and can we not come to some arrangement with the law-of-the-land which will allow the Scangers of Ireland to continue their dying tradition!

Do ya?
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