Dance Classes


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Hi there,

Does anybody know if there is anywhere in Dublin city centre where I can do Ballroom dance classes.
Hi there,

Does anybody know if there is anywhere in Dublin city centre where I can do Ballroom dance classes.

Naidster, So glad you posted this as I've been meaning to ask as well and have been unsuccessful and finding a place that does them and I don't think it's the same if you teach yourself using a (book)!
[broken link removed]

Very good dance teacher, i trained with her back in my professional dancing days!
I believe that The Garda Club (Harrington Street, Dublin 8) do weekly dance classes - all sorts. Give them a call.
We took a 6 week course with Flora earlier this year, to be able to get through our wedding day and we found her excellent. She starts with beginners and carries through to advanced classes
Re: Dance Classes - Jive

Anyone know of a course in Jive? My husband and I would love to learn, we're not so interested in waltzing etc.
thanks guys! have booked lessons with Flora Miller.
Anyone know what one should wear to these classes?