Damage caused to car by dog

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LFC Murphy

Registered User
Before I kick off, I must state that I hit a loose dog one nite last week (8pm & dark), I was travelling at 100Km when a large black dog ran out of a ditch on a dark unlit road. Unfortunatlly the dog was killed instanally.

I called the cops and they sent a squad car out. They took all the details, but stated that I would have no come back if no one owns up or reports the dog missing.

Has anyone else had this happen? It looks like I'm gonna be left with a hefty bill for new fron bumper, one light, washer bottle, pump etc etc.

It might be worth your while checking with the motor insuance bureau. They may cover this.
Just tried them, and they only deal with uninsured claims with engine related things, and not dogs., Oh well thanks anyway
a large dog ran out in front of me too a few years back near Crossmaglen ( some chance of finding the owner there). made a mess of the bumber but they 'good' news is that the bumper, split in three places, was welded together and resprayed locally and it cost only around €200 in total. apparantly theres a code on the reverse side of the bumper that identifies what material is required to carry out the welding. anyway my bumper looked like new when the repairs were finished. no broken lights though. it was around 9am and it was bright and I was able to brake hard. the dog (alsation) lay down for a minute then got up and ran off into a nearby field. had to have a bald patch though as I had a clump of dog hair on the bumber.
Could you go back to the scene of the accident, call to the local houses and ask them if it was their dog? If they admit it to you, you can claim against them/ their house insurance.
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