DAA + Aer Lingus + Couglan versus Michael O' Leary


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What hope is there for anyone with a bit on entrepreneurial flair in them when you have all state bodies against you.

I've reached the conclusion that the state and it's various organisations are only interested in maintaining the status quo and couldn't care less about preserving jobs, creating jobs or progressing the nation.

A very sad state of affairs.
I think there was more to this than meets the eye and MOL was playing games, if he was so keen he could have bought that hangar ages ago.

I think MOL is believing the media ie we are all eejits, well were not.

I've reached the conclusion that the state and it's various organisations are only interested in maintaining the status quo and couldn't care less about preserving jobs, creating jobs or progressing the nation.
I would be that harsh on the poor darlings. I'm sure they're all very interested in preserving their own jobs, and progressing their own pay packet.
Aren't we all interested in preserving our own jobs? Make no mistake, Michael O'Leary is interested only in Michael O'Leary. The whole episode was one publicity stunt like most of his capers.

There were several other hangars on the same site and of course he had no interest in them. This whole situation started nearly 12 months ago not 12 days ago. Aer Lingus signed the lease on Hangar 6 in November 2009.

Ryanair had several chances to buy up the lease but were slow off the mark, that is if they were really interested.
Ryanair = Creator of jobs.
Irish State = Destroyer of jobs.
Have to agree that that's the case over the last 16 years or so.
Nobody comes out of this looking good.
. This whole situation started nearly 12 months ago not 12 days ago. Aer Lingus signed the lease on Hangar 6 in November 2009.

The Aer Lingus contract was signed in December. Ryanair have been negotiating since early last year. At no stage were they told there was a competitor for the hanger.

Ryanair promised 500 jobs if they got the hanger (now 300), as good a reason as any for the DAA a state body to lease them the hanger. Ryanair also offered the same money as the DAA had been receiving from SR Technics.

I find it hard to believe that Aer Lingus who are losing routes and business and cutting staff (today in the news) needed to lease a hanger and incur greater costs.

I'd like to know whether Aer Lingus approaced the DAA or did the DAA approach Aer Lingus when Ryanair expressed interest in the hanger. Are Aer lingus using the full hanger? Do they actually need the full hanger?

I'd just like to establish the facts in order to make an informed judgment. Any technical people (SR technices people maybe) tell me why they need the hanger, on the radio someone in Aer Lingus said that the 8 large planes in it's fleet would be maintained there and that sometimes they needed 2 of these particular planes in there at the one time and that was why they wanted hanger 6 which is the only one capable of taking 2 of the big planes at the same time. Would 2 out of 8 planes be grounded at the same time?
There were several other hangars on the same site and of course he had no interest in them.

You're comparing apples and oranges with that argument. From my understanding, H6 is rigged completely differently to the other hangers and is the only one suitable for a particular type of maintenance. The availability of unsuitable hangers has nothing to do with this.

I'm always suspicious (and a little entertained) by MOLs outbursts but the government (Cowen, Coughlan, DAA and the DoT) have issued conflicting statements and have failed to answer simple questions. If there is an honest explanation for all this, I don't understand why they haven't told us yet.
That's interesting. Could this story develop enough to finally oust brian and mary?
Maybe Michael O'Leary could be our saviour!

Does anyone know why she's called sweary mary?
Now we hear that Aer Lingus are planning to use it as office space. Who on earth would use a hanger as office space and why?
Now we hear that Aer Lingus are planning to use it as office space. Who on earth would use a hanger as office space and why?

An incompetent, inefficient loss making company who lost €110m last year and whose boss doesn't know why it's leasing Hangar 6 back to itself !
What do you mean leasing it back to itself? Didn't SR Technics have the lease on the building and when they left the DAA paid them some money ?