CV created on Microsoft Works not opening...Help?



Hi All,

I sent out my C.V. today to a couple of Recruitment Comps. but they can't open it. I created it on my home pc using Microsoft Works and they want it in Word format....Any ideas on how i do this or can I download Word? Any help would be appreciated!


Use OpenOffice?
You may be able to convert your existing Works doc to Word format and continue with that (as is or in OpenOffice) - see .
Try also saving it in .txt format. Any word processor will be able to open it although it will not look as good as a .doc file.
I thought that many agencies and companies requested CVs in plain text format these days due to problems such as this, macro viruses etc.?
In works

1) File
2) Save As
3) Change "Save As Type" to "Word 6.0/95"
4) Click on Save
I thought that many agencies and companies requested CVs in plain text format these days due to problems such as this, macro viruses etc.?

You're giving agencies and HR staff way too much credit there...

I've never had a problem giving them docs.
As an alternative to jhegartys suggestion, try saving as a .RTF file. RTF is rich text format and is pretty well supported across most applications these days.

I thought that many agencies and companies requested CVs in plain text format these days due to problems such as this, macro viruses etc.?

In all my years in IT I've rarely seen security policies enforced with regard to Word Docs or indeed any of the Office Applications running macro's etc. That said I've only seen about 2 word macro viruses in many years and they were pretty useless. Perhaps my experience isn't typical though.

Convert it to a PDF? you can do it online

I;ve found a lot of places don't like that, and insist on Word or plain text. Some places run searches on CV's which won't work on PDF's.

I would say do it in word, or in doc format, RTF etc. But keep the formatting simple and don't use tables.
Hi All,

I tried jhegarty's solution first and it worked.....Thanks for all the advice!
