cutting out a new door in a wall


Registered User
can anyone advise on cutting out a door on a wall the builder says i can get it done wet or dry he says wet is a bit messy but dry is very dusty i am adding on two on suites onto 2 end bedrooms in a bungalow how will i go about minamising the damage done to both rooms ie furnishings and carpet is it advisable to take up the carpets as i do want to re use them either way it is going to be messy but is there any advantage of one over the other
If the opes are cut dry the dust will get every where, literally. You'll be eating the dust, sleeping in it and finding it at the bottom of your wardrobe for the next 6 months- no exaggeration! Also you'll find the dust is very fine with coarser particles which is not good for your health or any appliances either. If you do go for the wet cut option you will have to pull back any carpets and mask off any areas you want to keep clean with dust sheets and polythene- personally I'd opt for the wet cut it's easier to clean up after it. As soon as the wet cutting is finished, mop up and sweep up the slurry that's formed before it has a chance to dry and blow around your house. Wet cut gives a cleaner cut as well.
thanks for that i was not sure what the differnce was so i better start covering up things
Wet....ever take the car to Brittas? bet you are still finding bits of sand from last summer but the togs are dry right?!;)