Customers co. on Involuntary Strike Off List


Registered User
We receive an e-mail each week that give details of companies that are going into liquidation/being struck off. One of our customers has appeared on the list for Involuntary Strike Off. Can anyone explain what time frame that we have for getting funds owed to us?? We were not informed of any Creditors Meeting, so not sure exactly why it is on the list.

Final question is, can the customer come off the list, or is it pre-deteremined by being on the list that the company is at the end of the road?

Thanks if anyone can shed some light.
I would imagine that the Company has been put on an involuntary strike off list for not filing annual returns with the CRO. The process can take up to 6 months from the first reminder notice being sent to the registered office to the company being struck off and dissolved.

The company can however come off the list at any time before being struck off if they file any outstanding annual returns and accounts with CRO.