Custom made curtain rods?


Registered User
Hi all,

Can anyone point me in the direction of a company/sole trader etc.. that makes strong metal curtain rods/poles? I have a very heavy set of curtains which I want to hang but existing curtain rods too light. Will also have problems fixing to wall as old rods were simply fixed to the wooden suuround of window. So basically I need to get something specially made by someone with a little expertise. I can reduce the weight of the curtains somewhat but the problem will still remain. Also the windows are bay windows

Any advice welcome!
Generally it is the fixings to the wall that are the most important part of the curtain pole. Even with heavy fab ric and interlining, a normal pole when fixed properly should take the weight. As you have a bay window, depending on the type you can either so with standard metal poles and corner brackets or get something custom made. I know Hickeys used do custme made pole not sure if this is still the case. They are expensive though. I think I wasv quoted 60euro per ft and €150 for fitting.
Tell me first what kind of finish pole do you want.Maybe PM me with your full details< I should be able to put you in the right direction
No I'm not touting for business Leo, I am simply trying to be very specific in advising, and to do so need I need detailed information.

As usual somebody jumps to wrong conclusions on this site. If you have a problem that needs sorting why don,t you post same?
No I'm not touting for business Leo, I am simply trying to be very specific in advising, and to do so need I need detailed information.

As usual somebody jumps to wrong conclusions on this site. If you have a problem that needs sorting why don,t you post same?

Hi Phoenix2,

As Leo has already pointed out perhaps your advice could benefit others on AAM.

As we have experienced people touting for business by PM its best to keep things as visible as possible.
Harry corry's do a strong curtain pole that fits bay windows for about €160 thats in Brass or stainless steel. and suits all curtains AFAIK.

They have naroower poles as well that were about €90.
Sorry for delay in getting back to all kind enough to take time to reply.
Excuse my powers of description here but here goes;

At moment curtains are set up to hide the rail mostly, you know the curtains have those string thread through them( I dont know the tech term:eek:) so really it doesnt matter hugely what the actual rails look like. However to get the curtains up I can change the top of the curtains so am prepared to go with any type of rail really.

My main priority is to stop the entire pop. of D6W being able to look in at me as I lounge on the sofa contemplating world peace etc...( I dont actually have a prob with the world or the pop of D6w being able to look in my window as I have a sneaking suspicion that they have better things to be doing but visiting friends and family are a liitle freaked out about it) so really it is a question of fixing the heavy curtains and heavy curtain rail to my wall.

Effectively any screws or nails will have to go through the wooden surround and curtains heavy so they may have to go throuh the wood and into the wall so!!! I have tried to attach a photo of the window and wooden surround but my It expertise is on a par with my curtain hanging so I cant attach the photo
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The string you refer to is most likely the tape. IMHO it wouldn't make much difference if you were to change the tape and if its been on the curtains for quite a while it is probably best to leave it in place.

If the walls are not able to take the weight of the curtains the wood is probably doing a better job.

I have found Curtain Services on Sundrive Road to be helpful and they might be able to give you some advice.

You could also have a look at or
Madangan -- For daytime privacy, put up net curtains. For the heavy curtains and rail problem, try Hickeys in Dun Laoghaire who assisted us about 5 years ago with similar problem. Very helpful staff. You don't need to go to the expense of custom made rods and poles. So there you are !!!:(