Curtain rail and stud wall problems!


Registered User
Hi all,

Ive a curtain rail on a stud wall in a room at home.

The rail is screwed into the wall.

The problem is that over the past two years the rail mount and screws have come out of the wall on a couple of occassions and every time we try to stick them back into the wall we do it with larger rawl plugs then before.

All this results in, is that the rail continues staying in the wall for a couple of more months before it starts to come out of the plaster again leaving even bigger holes than before!!!! ARGH!

To any of you builders / decorators / plasterers out there, is there any way we can ensure the rail will stay on the wall ?

Thanks for any help advice etc.

You need to try and get the fixings into the battens behind the dry lining. If you can't do this then you may need to go through into the block/concrete wall. Except for light rails/curtains attaching them to the dry lining/plasterboard is not a good idea for the very reason that you have discovered.
Or use special fixings designed for stud partitions - molly pins, I think they're called - you push them in and when you tighten, the fixing becomes wider behind the plasterboard so it can't come through. But only if your shower curtain is pretty light.
That may work but if the load is too much it could just result in the plasterboard coming away rather than just the holes getting bigger and bigger!
use a stud finder to find the studs in the wall screw a length of 2 by 1 directly on to the wall through the studs ,make sure its longer than the curtain rail , paint it the same colour as the wall to disguise it then you can fix the curtain rail on to the 2by1 any where you want it will never fall off again
[broken link removed] that scans the wall and attempts to determine where studs are. Some better than others.
Hi, Try putting a timber batten on wall and then put your rail onto batten.
batten may need paint in advance.
A length of 3 inch skirting or arcitave is thing to use when you find the studding that should be strong enough to hold curtains
cheers guys, will attempt to find the stud as soon as i can get a stud finder even though i may have already located it using ye olde time honoured method of tappity tappity tap....