Current value of £20.000 in 1985



What would be the value of £20,000 (twenty thousand pounds) in 1985 be today?
I'm not good at maths but there used to be a formula to work out interest rates for a number of years in one sum.

I suppose if you averaged out the interest rates if it was saved between now and then,
then averaged out the inflation (or deflation) between now and then you would have an idea.
If I take CSO CPI date [broken link removed]
Start with £20,000 in 1985, I come up with €52,000 + change, so with rounding pretty much the same answer as Joe.
You would need £39,249 ( 20000/119.9*235.3 from here ) or €49,836 ( 39,249 / 0.787564 ) to buy the same quantities of goods and services in May 2010 as you could with £20000 in January 1985.