Current public sentiment towards the housing market?

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Your real risk isn't in the value dropping by 30%, it's in simply not being able to find a buyer for months on end and then having to delay your departure until you've sold. If you're definitely leaving the country, I'd be prepared to sell in a hurry any time between now and then should the market start to look a bit wobbly.

It's a bit like your pension, you need to move your funds into something less volatile as D-Day approaches.
It's not like the set of circumstances that are fast approaching have not occurred before. There will be a stand off, sellers will fish for buyers in a dwindling pool of the same, repossessions will rise, house keys will be dropped through the letter boxes of banks, builders will offer incentives and under the table discounts in order to defend headline prices. But this early stage will be played out against the backdrop of a global slowdown, and growing evidence of the massive impact of the US housing bubble bust.

The first area to suffer will be the speculator market, flats, semis and terraces in their price range. I don't think it will be too difficult to gather evidence of a build up in inventory in this sector. The speculator sector is critical to what will happen to the wider market. This sector is more volatile more sentiment driven and hence much more fickle.
But our infrastructure is appalling - so the Poles being here early and telling their friends about IRELAND could be a double-edged sword.

Once groups of them go to Spain/Portugal and word gets about that their main motorway is not a CAR PARK, that they have trains and buses that actually WORK, that it is possible to play sports and have other hobbies besides go to the PUB every night I reckon you would see a mass exodus quickly.
Agreed. Just look at Investors are already starting to get out of the market. Most new 1/2 bed apt/duplexs that are being sold, EA's on myhome are marketing them to FTB and.......'investors'.
Hi there
walk2dewater said:
What's to stop government giving subsidies/tax breaks/dole to jumbo mortgage holders in danger of being repossessed? Surely that would be a popular voting grabbing, policy?

Do you think this scenario could actually happen, that hard working tax dollars would be used to bail out fools who have over-burdened themselves with debt ? That would be outrageous!

Well said Capital

Cheers conor_mc, I don't think I'd have to be sold-up before I go. When I move I'll be renting (might even be lucky enough to get a job with accomodation included - who knows ;-)) so I won't need the lump sum for anything and I'll be happy to leave it on the market a while if necessary.
kane3000 said:
Do you think this scenario could actually happen, that hard working tax dollars would be used to bail out fools who have over-burdened themselves with debt ? That would be outrageous!

I'm almost certain this will happen. See it coming a mile-off.

I was stupid enough to purchase Eircom shares (more specifically I was stupid enough to hold onto them) but I was still absolutely appalled that the Fine Gael wanted to reimburse people who lost money on them.
What about signing the contracts at sale?

Well your laughing then. I know the market quite well on the north side and my only qualifications to that market is the newly built prospect hill development which may push up supply.

And wait till Germany and Austria (who both have a history of eastern european immigration) and perhaps also Italy open their borders. It'll be alot easier for the Poles etc to go there and work. As an aside it may even be the kick start that the German economy requires (but that's off topic).

I was in Portugal last year (and had spent time there previously about 8 years ago). I was surprised by the amount of Ukranian immigrants living and working there. No reason why the EU eastern europeans don't start heading over there now if they can.

And regarding our headstart, I'm not sure how many families we're attracting. Seems to me more like singles or young couples who want to stay a few years, maybe improve their english, and earn a few quid - perhaps for their own house back home. Unlike, say, Germany in the 60s who attracted lots of Turkish immigrants, our immigrants are coming from countries which have just joined the EU and should grow significantly themselves in the medium term (bit like Ireland). So these immigrants could easily head back home in a few years time.
Poles can work in germany already once they register as a sole trader/self employed person but not sure how tight the rules are for self employment in german, im sure self employed construction workers and IT workers can work in germany and others now and more will as german economy picks up and they realise they work as self employed easily there and rent and live cheaper than in ireland.
Poles and other 'low cost' immigrants are not going to feed the housing market.

These immigrants come here to work mostly in minimum wage jobs(tourism,catering,retail etc) save money and send it home.
Unemployment in Poland is 18% and wages are a quarter of Irish wages.

They will support the rental market until employment boom in Ireland is over.As we all know employment boom in Ireland has been driven by housing(construction market) over the last 4 years .

Average price of a house in Ireland is close to $300k euro whilst average earnings between $30k-$40k.

Again,I ask the question-who is going to drive future demand given our housing outputs at historical highs ,housing stock density at historical lows and affordability at historical lows?
macbri said:
who is going to drive future demand given our housing outputs at historical highs ,housing stock density at historical lows and affordability at historical lows?

ladder pyramids
macbri said:
Poles and other 'low cost' immigrants are not going to feed the housing market.
Agree 100% with this statement.

I was telling a taxi driver last night about this thread - he told me 'house prices will never go down' and that 'there'll be 1 million immigrants in Ireland by 2015'. I just had to bite my lip (his son had just bought a duplex in the Belfry, Citywest).

macbri said:
These immigrants come here to work mostly in minimum wage jobs(tourism,catering,retail etc) save money and send it home.
Unemployment in Poland is 18% and wages are a quarter of Irish wages.
You should give the Poles a lot more credit. I work with Polish engineers and they're top notch with excellent English. The university system in Poland is very competitive and challenging unlike in today's Ireland where universities are full of middle-class kids who go to study for the 'experience' (I'm thinking Arts UCD, BE$$ Trinity et. al.)

macbri said:
They will support the rental market until employment boom in Ireland is over.As we all know employment boom in Ireland has been driven by housing(construction market) over the last 4 years .
Internet, email, instant messaging, low-cost flights, etc. implies high mobility - they know where the money is they'll go where the money is. I'll be quite happy to join them soon if things go pear shaped.

macbri said:
Average price of a house in Ireland is close to $300k euro whilst average earnings between $30k-$40k.

macbri said:
Again,I ask the question-who is going to drive future demand given our housing outputs at historical highs ,housing stock density at historical lows and affordability at historical lows?
I am not having a got at the Poles or any immigrant group.

All I am trying to say is that they can earn more in a non skilled job here than a skilled job in their own homeland.

Fair play to them if they can pick up a professional/trade position but I still can't see them being a factor in housing demand
Not only is this true for Poles (the fact that you earn more in a non-skilled job), it also applies to young Irish professional people. No wonder Irish boys aren't exerting themselves to go to university - they know where the money is. House building.
It reminds me of a job that I had till the mid nineties.

I was working as an accountant for an American blue chip manufacturing company in Ireland earning $15,000 p.a.

A job came up on the shop floor as a warehouse clerk which paid $25k(shift allowance & strong union)

I went for it and got position,there were a lot of similiar guys as me(qualified as fitters,sparks etc) working alongside me on shop floor.

Money talks and skilled workforce will go into non-skilled jobs if there is a financial incentive to do so.
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