Cuba Holiday Suggestions


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Anyone have any suggestions for a 2-3 week holiday in Cuba? Who can you get the best flight deals with? Any suggestions of excursions or hotels would also be appreciated.

Just back from a 2 week holiday in Cuba. I would recommend you check out a few of the threads on AAM, good advice provided. We booked our holiday through a travel agent, flights from Dublin to Paris then onto Havana, with Air France. It is a bit of a trek but worth it. Most agents offer fully inclusive deals with hotels based in Valadero Resort, about 3 hours from Havana. Check out trip advisor for hotel recommendations. Service and excursions excellent in Valadero but food is not great. Try to spend a few days in Havana, and also take some trips into the countryside where you experience the real Cuba!
I was there 3 years ago. Great place for a holiday.

Flew with Air France via CDG, probably the best route. It is along journey but you got those seat back tv's which are great to pass the time.

Try not to spend a huge amount of time in Varadero; it is really a sort of artifical Cuba; just another Caribbean beach resort but with awful food. If you are going just for a beach holiday, you would be better off going somehere like Barbados or Bahamas instead.

I spent a couple of days in Havana, then spent a week travelling around the country in a hire car; best way of getting around, then back to Havana for a few more days before flying home.

Places, I would recommend visiting: Havana, Vianles & Trinidad. By far my favorite place was Vinales in the west of the island; stunning scenary.

Oh you have to try the Mojitos; great drink made from Cuban rum