CSO Surveys


Registered User
On a slightly different topic to the thread in Careers/etc...

We (my partner and I) participate in the CSO survey each quarter. Basically this was initiated by a CSO representative calling to the door and asking if we were interested. Being a bit of a statistics nerd and having an interest in their surveys I agreed, after asking of course about data privacy and so on. They kindly drop in a hard copy of their report each quarter also (yes I know it's available online but I prefer hardcopy myself).

I was wondering if anybody else on AAM participates in these surveys? I am comfortable with my own participation but wanted to get some different points of view...
We (me and girl I was sharing rented house with) participated in one of these a few months ago. Was happy to do it as when I hear results of these types of surveys (this one was on social and living conditions) being published I always wonder who they are getting the information from. And we got free pens and address book (cheap? moi?). We weren't asked to participate in any follow-up or regular sessions though and have since had to leave that house so I don't know that they'll be back to us again.
Janet said:
We weren't asked to participate in any follow-up or regular sessions though and have since had to leave that house
That was a bit harsh of them! Did you give the wrong answers or something? :confused:

LOL oops, should possibly have phrased that bit better. Completely unrelated events - but I'm laughing now at image of CSO person coming back with their laptop to tell me we were being thrown out 'cos the standard of our replies just wasn't up to par :D
I've participated in one for the last year about work, generally asks questions about how many hours we work, etc. Though she came back this week for the final interview and asked questions about SSIA's. Do we have one, how much are we saving, when it matures, have we plans to spend it.