CS350 Cabinet Tamper


Registered User
Any ideas what could cause a cabinet tamper on an Aritech CS350 that won't close when the lid is put back on, The spring seems fine and all the fuses are ok, front and back door zones had been disconnected due to new doors going in , new contacts were put in and the zones show up closed, however after all this there is still a cabinet tamper, any ideas? Hoping a new panel will not be required.
Try pressing the spring attached to the tamper switch. You should hear/feel a click as the switch operates. Is it possible something in the enclosure (a wire perhaps) fouls the spring as you replace the cover?
The spring extends quite a bit so it may be possible that when you replace the cover that it slides sideways as opposed to resing flush against the panel.
If thats not the case then could has as Leo advised.

I had tried this and any obvious troubleshooting that I could think of, still the keypad shows cabinet tamper.