cruelty to animals


Registered User
Keeping dogs alone in the house all day is bad enough but things are getting out of hand with the number of people who have elephants in the room.

Apart from the loneliness the poor elephant cant get out for a smoke
Lol, you could interpret this post in so many different ways I don't know where to start!....mind givin us a smidgen of a clue about what particular elephants you have in mind levelpar.
PS: Love the idea of the elephant smokin...get him a huge nicotene patch.
.mind givin us a smidgen of a clue about what particular elephants you have in mind

Nothing more than that at the end of the day I am sick listening to another hackneyed phrase.

All I know about the elephants is that after a good boozing session ,they appear to be pink but then maybe they are just gay