Crowd storming Gov buildings?

Maybe because it's just a bunch of attention seeking thugs such as those that also stormed the students march recently? Maybe RTE decided it's not worth giving these the attention they so desperately seek? It was a Sinn Fein protest after all!
Unless your demonstration is attnded by [broken link removed] then it ain't worth the paper it's written on.
There was something on the independent a while ago which also said that the army helped in getting this under controll, however I can not longer find that link on their page.

But it's now on and .

Funny enough ist that german media reported it faster.
It's ok, turns out it was a misunderstanding, it was the caterers for Biffo's lunch with the IMF.
Most interesting thing about this mob is that it appears to be led by Aengus O'Snodaigh who is actually allowed into the building. Why did he feel the need to rent a mob to do this?
Obviously he still has problems recognising the Dail !!!
And as usual the rent-a-mob crowd which seems to be Sinn Fein are complaining about the heavy handedness of the Gardai---what a joke, they shouls look at themselves.