Cross Charging on mortgage ?? how to know


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I have mortgages that the additional security was crossed out on letter of offer special conditions and witnessed by the bank the original lender for 20 years

Now a new bank takes over loans and says that does not mean anything and say they are ""cross charged"" in favour of each other """ALL SUMS DUE""

have an email with it stated the mortgages are stand alone from the original lender but New lender is very aggressive and dismissed this stating letter of offer is worthless not legal , its the legal charge on title that the new lender is looking at to enforce . Yet at the draw down on my loan it was the special conditions of letter of offer I was compelled to do before the release of the loan cheque .

I offered to redeem loan on a house but was refused the release of the single security deeds . New Lender would hold all securities/deeds until such time all money on all loans is paid across on all loans