Cross border inheritance Tax

Gigi Buffon

Registered User

I wonder if anyone can help me to understand the tax implications on an inheritance.
My situation: Italian national, Italian domiciled status but living and working in Ireland for the last 9 years , hence tax resident in Ireland.
In the year 2001 my mother passed away in her late 50s. Back then I was living in Italy and had never set foot in Ireland. Me and my brother inherited a house valued roughly 400k euros from her (there was no €€€ yet back then still the Lira)

We sold the house in 2003 and got ~ 200k € each. Recently my father passed away and his total wealth is about 600k so me and my brother will get 300k each. In Italy the tax thresholds on the inheritance are very generous: each son can get up to 1 million € tax free from the parents and all what is above 1 million is taxed at 4% so I have no tax liability in Italy. In Ireland the threshold is incredibly low, only 335k. I wonder if I have any tax liability in Ireland ? Considering that I moved to Ireland in
2015 and was never here beforehand, I guess I have no tax liability, since my current inheritance will be only 300k ? Or should I also consider my mother's inheritance received a few decades before moving to Ireland ?
