Criticizing Multiculturalism and the Liberal agenda

I heard Waters on Newstalk last week, he was nearly foaming at the mouth with righteous anger, even the venerable IT wasn't spared his ire. He often comes out of "left field", no problem with that per se, but he is becoming increasingly flaky in his opinions.

But back on topic, I've no axe to grind with anyone who has an opinion, (regardless of whether I agree with it or not or even if I find it tasteless or offensive), and would defend their right to have it, and for it not to be sidelined or denigrated by anyone. Yet this is exactly what is happening. A kind a censorship by stealth.

We might say that Multiculuralism is proffered as a good thing, but I can see very good rational arguments against it, or at least that it be a managed affair. Yet opponents are rounded on by so-called liberals. This is contrary to any notion of free-speech and open debate.
John Waters is making the point that if it was someone of a Christian, especially Catholic, background who had made these comments there would be downright condemnations in most of the media, calls for resginations etc.
But because Norris is from the liberal side of the house, the media have mostly taken it easy on calls to resign his Dail seat, columnists writing articles in support, loads of air time given to people talking about spoiling their vote etc

He has a point