my partner has a record for being drunk in public and a danger to himself and others at a music festival and also for possession of a small quantity of spamspamspam. He received a fine in the District Court two years ago.
I want to volunteer abroad, probably in Africa or South America next year.
Will he be able to come with me?
Surely most volunteer agencies do a police check incase you end up working with children but would an offence such as the above make a difference?
I have volunteered before and most of the time it is in orphanges or with children one way or the other.
I want to volunteer abroad, probably in Africa or South America next year.
Will he be able to come with me?
Surely most volunteer agencies do a police check incase you end up working with children but would an offence such as the above make a difference?
I have volunteered before and most of the time it is in orphanges or with children one way or the other.