Credit Checks for mortgage application


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Does my credit card balance be checked when applying for a mortgage ,
Do not want to mention it on my application,but will it be available from the credit bearau
You will need to advise all outstanding debts including personal loans/car /credit cards etc
when I appied for mine they said not to list credit cards...only loans ...
Some banks do and some dont, we are switching at the moment and all of the banks apart from one want the most recent visa bill. (I had an older in the docs) this particular bank requires that the visa bill is below 2.5k
Bet that €2.5k req was BOSI

This isn't just a requirement of Bank of Scotland. Generally if the balance is greater than 2,500, it affects your affordability. Some credit cards show up on credit checks while others don't but you are supposed to advise your lender eitherway. Some lenders look very unfavourably on undisclosed borrowings.
You can request your own credit report beforehand - if you do it on-line it only takes a couple of days. The is exactly what the lenders get.

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Banks will see that you have a credit card if you repay it from your current account and it's on the statements
they won't however see what the amount is on it. the credit report will only show credit card if you haven't been paying it off.
they won't however see what the amount is on it. the credit report will only show credit card if you haven't been paying it off.

I don't think that's true of MBNA. AFAIK MBNA are the only cc issuer that records balances and monthly repayments with the ICB, regardless of whether or not the account is a problem one.
they won't however see what the amount is on it. the credit report will only show credit card if you haven't been paying it off.

This is incorrect. Credit cards can show up on ICB reports regardless of whether or not payments are made. I know of cases where mortgage lenders queried undisclosed credit card balances and were able to quote balances because they were listed on the client's ICB.

Also, the likelihood is if you are making payments to your credit card through your current account, the lender will request a credit card statement.
Some banks don't report to the ICB and some do. Just request the report for yourself and you'll see whats on it
Bank of Scotland/halifax is reporting credit line balance and history of payments.