Credit Cards vs. Car Payment




I was hoping I could get some opinions on this topic...

My Wife and I have about $17K in CC debt, and we need a 2nd car. I just recieved return on an investment in the amount of $17k.

Should I pay off the credit cards all at once, and then go finance a car?
Or should I buy a car with the $17k and keep paying the credit cards.

Currently I am paying the credit cards double the minimum each month.

Thank You.
Hi there,
I would pay of the CC, the interest on the CC would be higher than that of a car loan.
Pay off your credit cards as you are probably paying double digit interest 14% or higher. You can get a car loan for around 7% or 8%. Its worth doing your homework with the various banks etc to get the best deal. Finance deals in the garages can be much higher so beware!
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