Credit card was revoked


Registered User
My credit card was cut off because I spent over the limit by 200 euro and then my temp limit expired leaving me 700 over
I paid the minimum payment's for 4 months and then missed a month (after a steady 2 year's of always paying it) because I was planning on paying back the full whack off and had been saving to do so

anyway the exact day I paid the 4700 off clearing the card they had a letter already in the post saying the breached section blah blah blah and it's no longer an active account but please apply again

yes they did call but i explained to the guy on the phone i was paying it off and he gave me 10 days to do so it was well within the 10 days

they declined when i applied again

I earn 30000 a year and have a loan of 20000 which I pay 450 a month off
who will give me a credit card?
they are quite rigid if they see u got a bad ratings there will be sometime before someone give u a new card. but u can still try, Ulster bank maybe?
they are less rigid as most other bank, but to be honest u need to clear the card amount first as somehow u have fail to made payment on time.
MBNA? These seem to give anyone a card.

Barclays. I filled out an application form for Barclays they then requested a host of information from me such as bank statements, pay slips, utility bills etc before they would issue me with a card. The stuff was too much hassle to organise so I didn't bother getting back to them with anything. Then about 4 weeks later they sent me my card without me giving them anything they requested.
credit card is handy and also an evil to have..the interest is mad...
I would be more interested in it effecting you credit rating and making it hard to get a mortage for the next few years.

i'm not concerned with that at the moment i'm annoyed at the fact my card was taken and i need another one quickly!
i'm not concerned with that at the moment i'm annoyed at the fact my card was taken and i need another one quickly!
I think you should be worried about it effecting your credit rating. If you look through other posts on this website from people with bad credit ratings finding it really hard to get a mortgages. bad credit ratings will stay on your record for 5 years, its really something you need to think about instead of having to get something on a credit card.