Credit Card still not charged


Registered User
I paid for parking in a multi-storey carpark using my Credit Card in the Machine, it printed a receipt and gave me an exit card, and that was that, however....

now it is 5 months later, and I', filing my receipts and see that it never appeared on my credit card statement, it was only about EUR 10, but it there some "statute of limitations" (hope thats the right term) on this or could they charge me in 10 years when they notice
The same has happened to me more than once. I reckon there was some problem with the technology ... they seem to be going through now.
I took Aer Lingus around 8 months to charge me for onboard purchases.

Simailarly it took a shop in Croatia over a year to charge me for purchases made while on holiday.

I'm sure it won't take them 10 years to spot they haven't charged you.
I thought there was a limit of 6 months, but I have nothing to back it up - just hearsay.