Credit Card refund transaction




After a long dispute with a retailer, I finally got them to take back a piece of furniture that they had delivered damaged. When they collected it, the gave me the credit card refund slip, ie the one that prints out from the credit card machine at tills where you type in your pin, which was printed with the correct date, marked REFUND and for the correct amount to the correct card.

Does this confirm that the refund has actually taken place? Could they have issued the refund and then cancelled the transaction subsequently? I'm probably being paranoid, but we've gone through a nightmare of lies and changed stories with this dealer to get to here, so I won't relax until I actually see the money in my account.
I've phoned the CC company, but they said it may take a few days to show up.
Can anyone put my mind more at rest than it is now?

I would imagine your safe enough as you'v got proof the company were giving you a refund. Just mind the receipt carefully. Sometimes we just worry too much. Its a wonder they didnt just replace the item instead of losing a sale,
Thanks Sandals.

When it was delivered, they told us to hold on to it until a replacement was delivered. They're now saying they've run into issues getting a refund themselves from the supplier, I suspect they should have taken it back straight away and made a claim then, rather than now 9 months later!