Credit card in my name I knew nothing about!


Registered User

I hold an account with a certain bank where I only have a current and savings account. On Monday night I got a call from the credit control dept from that bank to say I was in arrears on my credit card, I don't have a credit card with them. They went over all of my details and said it was issued in October to my old address, and since then no payments were made on it. At the start I don't think they believed me at all. I had applied for a credit card with them online, but they sent out forms to proceed and I never bothered with sending them back.

They told me that night they would pull the application form tomorrow to which I replied they couldn't possibly as the application form had never been sent back. The credit card in my name was not used for any transactions, but fees had been applied and travel insurance which accrued interest since October. The girl on the phone after me explained the situation said, 'well its not really a big amount, only €150', and I was like 'Yeah, but its not mine!!!!'

The second guy I spoke to was more helpful and actually said if there was a card issued in my name and I hadn't applied/signed for it, it would be illegal.

The next morning I got three calls from different staff in the bank to explain that there was a huge mix-up and the credit card issuing dept had completely mixed up two applications which resulted in a credit card in my name being debited from someone elses account which in turn was then not paid.

They have said they cleared the account now and cancelled it, and I would receive a letter of apology. They have said it was not reported to the ICB, but I know that it was on the group credit record that this bank has. I have been a good customer and only last month applied for a car loan which was declined, now I know why. 2 other banks had offered me the finance the same day. When I questioned my bank yesterday on this decline of finance, they said they would check and call me back. When they called back they said there was no record of my application for finance so they could not comment.

Now I am worried about my history being bad with the bank, and the ICB I know I can check myself, so thats not too bad. I am also annoyed that they could mess up so badly. I hadn't lived at that address for ages..

Any advice?


As long as they issue a full apology and account for the reasons why this has happened I don't think you should be worried (assuming that your ICB record is clean).

I would be annoyed enough to move elsewhere, but that's just me. Maybe a goodwill gesture of some sort would be appropriate on the part of the bank if they wish to retain your custom?
They'd hardly stretch that far, would they??? I was thinking possibly a 2007 calendar!
The bank once debited my account by factor of ten more than they should have for a standing order which paid my rent. When the mistake was pointed out to them, they immediately fixed it and gave me a voucher for BT.

Dead impressed
Very nice!

My bank will probably send me some nicely gift-wrapped lodgement slips! I have decided to change banks.