Credit Card hopping



First posting so forgive any cardinal errors. I am currently credit card hopping as I have a large longterm on a credit card and I am looking to take advantage of the 0% interest on balance transfers. Someone told me that if you have more than 3 credit checks a year that credit card company will realise that you have been "moving around" and will not take you on. Any truth?
Someone told me that if you have more than 3 credit checks a year that credit card company will realise that you have been "moving around" and will not take you on.
In order to get a Credit Card some users will require more than 3 credit checks just to get accepted by 1 company.

If you do move, most 0% periods are for 6 or 9 months so 2 changes per year would be the most anyone would need/want. That said, if you do hop frequently I'd be surprised if the CC companies would want to take you on, but not sure if I'd believe the "3 credit checks" rule of thumb.