Credit Card Fraud - shop assistant liable?

  • Thread starter mickeyboymel
  • Start date


I work as a shop assistant/sales man. I was recently the victim of credit card fraud by a customer using a skimmed/stolen card.

The transaction went through at the time but was later recalled by the credit card company due to the card being reported stolen. However, the card was non chip and pin and although the signatures matched, I failed to get correct identification from the customer. I understand the credit card companies will guarentee the transaction if the pin goes through but with non Irish/ UK cards which may not have chip and pin, it is not as clear.

In the interveining peroid of time (5 weeks) the CCTV has being overwritten so there is absolutely no evidance or hope of apprehending this criminal and the store is out of pocket nearly €900.

I have a strong feeling that I am going to be asked to repay the money or at least reimburse the owner to the value of the goods at cost. Anyone know where I stand on this? I am only new to the job so do not want to jeprodise my position any further than I may have already done.

Would a shopkeepers stock insurance have some sort of cover in its policy relating to this type of loss or am I liable? I hasten to add my employer has not requested me to repay the money yet, but it is causing me great anxiety, not just the prospect of having to repay the money but also my own negliance in dealing with the stolen card.
Anyone point me in the right direction as to where I might get some help or advice on this please?
I have a strong feeling that I am going to be asked to repay the money or at least reimburse the owner to the value of the goods at cost.

I hasten to add my employer has not requested me to repay the money yet
Have you discussed the issue with your employer yet?
However, the card was non chip and pin and although the signatures matched, I failed to get correct identification from the customer.
What do you mean? Prior to chip & PIN I only ever remember signing for things and never being asked for ID (other than in the US).

Did you get any training in how to deal with CC transactions or were you already experienced in this area?
When I use my US card (non-chip) in Ireland I am never asked for ID, even though I usually have my drivers license on me. But when I travel in Hungary I am asked 50% of the time for ID, mostly in large stores that may have policy and training, and yes my American Drivers license does just fine.

Talk to your employer, being honest and up front about a mistake at work is a hundred times better for your future than hoping it will go away, causing you stress.