credit card for foreign nationals



Hi there,
I applied for cc at UB but they replied I didn't meet their credit score criteria. I'm foreing national, living here 2 yrs, working in current permanent job for over 1 yr, earning 38k/y., no loans, overdraft, etc. always balance at least 5k on c.a. at UB so they must know my finances.
Since I had been very disappointed with them before, this is was the last push for me to switch. But I still have a problem with cc since I need it for my job (often travelling, booking flights, hotel, car, etc.)
Is there a way for foreign national to get cc here, any experience with that? I just need any MC or Visa for reasons above. My current card is MC debit card but it's expiring and cannot get a new one here.

Thanks for any advise,
Have you tried applying to a few other banks/card providers to see how they treat your application? You don't have to be an existing customer. I would imagine that the UB refusal had less to do your with foreign nationality and more to do with things like being only two years at your current address and one in full time employment.
If you need a credit card for travelling because work could your employer not issue you with a Coporate Business Card like American Express?

Also did you try MBNA .... I reckon that they would give you card even if the card only had a small limit at the start.
You could try 3v - prepaid credit vouchers. Not ideal - but ok as a short term measure to let you buy stuff online. There is usually a 5 euro fee to buy a voucher but they are currently giving 5 euro extra for every 20 euro purchased.
Giving the scope of the OP: travelling, booking flights, hotel, car, etc. and the fact that he is using his (Foreign) Master Debit Card right now, the Halifax current account with Visa Debit card might be an interim step to ensure that he can continue traveling...
One way to find out surely? Are there any disadvantges to just appling even if it leads to some rejections (e.g. any impact on one's ICB record)?
But presumably a search alone would not be seen by other financial instutitons as a negative?
Mutiple applications could be scored negatively-it depends on the lender's criteria-I am aware that it is used.
I was in the same situation than you when I arrive in Ireland. My current account and saving were with UB and when I got refusal for CC. I told them I will transfer my business to another bank and they told me they will apply again and the second time I got the CC. I am still with UB
Well, if you're stuck try MBNA. They'll give a credit card to anything with a pulse! Just make sure you hammer out a good deal with them.
I can only speak for BOI but the criteria we look at for giving CC's is based on the length your a/c is opened & if your a/c has a reasonable turnover. If your salary is mandated to a/c it's a big plus. Also if you've had anything returned unpaid in the previous few months it's a no go..
Having a large balance on your a/c doesn't help if the a/c is static.
We do not differenciate between Irish & foreign nationals, it's the operation of the a/c that is the important factor & also if you are in permanent employment.
Having a large balance on your a/c doesn't help if the a/c is static.

Another BOI Classic!
Having a large balance on your a/c doesn't help if the a/c is static.

Another BOI Classic!

Actually no! It is prudent banking. Having a large balance of cash in an account isn't the same as your repayment capacity. When banks issue credit cards they are in effect issuing loans - they need to be sure that the loan can be repaid. Large balances in accounts, with no leins or restrictions on them, can be gone tomorrow when the Ferrari or mansion is bought.

Lets say for arguement I had 16.1 million euro sitting in an account but I had no discernable source of income. The bank, without imposing any restrictions or requiring any security, gives me a credit card with a 100,000 euro limit. I buy some clothes, tv, a nice holiday and diamond necklace for the wife and max out the credit card and then I buy [broken link removed] and [broken link removed] and for the weekend - I am now in debt to the tune of 100,000 euro and no means to repay it! If the bank allowed that to happen if would be classic bad banking!
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I'd shop around if I were you, both for c/a and cc and see who's offering what. Ask, don't apply until you have built up a bit of info. As regards MBNA, and this is for everybody, if you're dealing with them, always, always, always ask specifically if there are any promotions, discounts, special rates, - anything that you qualify for or that are available. It doesn't hurt to ask. Their policy is that unless specifically asked, the information is never offered.
efm. Thanks for that. You explained the rationale perfectly .....better than I would have myself.
Thanks for help.
I switched a/c to AIB mainly because of internet banking. Also, I got temporary substitute for cc as my home bank issued me new MC debit card although that account is nominated in different currency.
BTW, is there way to find out which criteria I failed? I don't thing static a/c was an issue since my salary has been sent there for over 1 year.
I'll try to look around for cc and see what others can offer.