Credit Card Facilities/costs/Installation?



I am a small B&B and thinking about setting myself up for accepting payments by credit card. I expect my usage of a machine would be low.

Can anyone help with the best deals/costs etc or what option i have?

Thanks in advance..

It's a great idea to accept credit/laser card payments. It's very handy for your customers. If there's a rental cost involved you'll need to figure out if its worth while, as you say you expect low usage..but, you may still have be charged wether you use it or not. I think the best way to find out the best deals/costs etc.. is to phone the bank you currently hold your account with and see what they offer.
Have you considered Paypal or similar online options - allow people to pay you a deposit online to secure their booking?
Stay away fro Paypal et al.Their charges are too high and they are useless whenever a problem arises. Deal directly with the credit card co. you prefer. Mastercard and Visa are the only ones worth dealing with so your choices are limited.