credit card details sent by email


Registered User
I have an authorised user on my credit card account. She was trying to put an order through and the company asked her to send her credit card details to them in an email.

I am obviously worried about this as email is not secure. I have called the credit card company to see if they'd contact me to authorise any requests for payment but they said they can't do this.

Assuming the order is completed and the email is deleted straight away by this company, do I need to remain worried forever that this email is floating around in cyberspace with my credit card details on it?
Any advice would be appreciated.
I have an authorised user on my credit card account. She was trying to put an order through and the company asked her to send her credit card details to them in an email.

Not 100% clear who you referring to?
anyway, its quite risky to send card details by email, in fact a lot of online company do not allow employee to put card details on email.

Email can easily be intercepted by hackers or ended in wrong hand.
i would advise you to pass on the card information only by phone and check your bank statement if the correct amount had gone thru ur credit card at the end of month and keep an eye always any unusual transaction.
give ur bank a ring if u are not sure what the charge on statement is for.
by authorised user, I mean I have my mother set up on my visa account so that she has a credit card to use if required, but it's on my own account.

I never send data like this by email myself but she wasn't aware of the danger of doing this. I will check my statement alright but it may be too late by the time I get that. Just wondering if someone did manage to get my details and made purchases using my card, would I be liable for them? And does it remain a threat forever once that email has been sent out? i.e. should I cancel my card and get another one ?
THERES NO NEED TO PANIC. IN the worst case scenario only if some did use ur card for a fraudulent transaction, you can dispute it as u didn't make transaction and u shouoldn't be liable for it.

People should always check the transaction on their statement each month as in nature we always take it for granted.

if nothing happened theres no need to cancel your card or panic about it.
i am just looking at the it at a different point of view.