credit card dept



hi, just a looking for advice, run up a large cc dept, 5k, and have no way of paying it. recently lost job and now on social welfare for forseeable future.

thinking of going abroad to work, what would happen if i just didn pay it????

any advice welcome

cheers in advance
How can you afford to go abroad and possibly give up the only income you are entitled to , social welfare , and leave a debt unpaid?
you say you have no way of paying it but yet can afford to leave the country ??
Pull the other one .
First thing to do would be to contact the credit card company and advise them of the situation. Tell them what you can afford to pay. Follow it up with a letter. if they decline your offer, contact MABS and ask if they will contact them on your behalf, maybe freeze the interest or set up a temporary arrangement. I'm assuming that you will attempt to get a job in the future?

If you didn't pay it then that would be irresponsible. they would try to find you, which would include contacting all your known addresses and your family home (do you want your mum opening that letter). in the end they may just wipe the debt, if they are unable to locate you, or they can apply for an enforcement order to make you pay when they do..

When you come home, you better not be back for years. as the ICB keeps your information on there for every bit of credit for 5 years after the loan is closed (if they are chasing you they may not close it for 2/3 years before wiping it off, thatd be 8yrs record possibly) would you really want to go away for a while and come back and find noone would give you anything, even an overdraft with a bank?

Up to you.
hi der, thanks for ur advice, in reply to heretohelp, my mum has offered to pay for my flight, i have an aunt living in finland who says she will put me up and help me find some work, i do intend to work, just hard to get something at the moment!!!!
First thing to do would be to contact the credit card company and advise them of the situation. Tell them what you can afford to pay. Follow it up with a letter. if they decline your offer, contact MABS and ask if they will contact them on your behalf, maybe freeze the interest or set up a temporary arrangement.

I would agree with Kevin on this. You may be luckier finding work in Finland, but I would advise letting the credit card company know of your plans, and make an agreement with them to make payments as soon as you are in a position to do so. MABS might be able to help in that respect. Try finding a job before you even leave Ireland - the credit card company might look a little more favourably on your case if they know that you will have employment as soon as you get to Finland. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do.
what does your mum think of you possibly leaving the country and leaving a large debt behind you?
Would you not be better off asking her to pay whatever she was going to spend on a plane ticket and pay it off the credit card debt to put a small dent in it ?

If your living at home im sure you can try pay small amount even though you are on SW. Even 10 euro a week to let the bank see you are making an effort and maybe talk to them to see can they freeze the interest until you find work.
I just dont see why you would leave this country to be unemployed in another . Yes i understand you are going to seek work but if it were me i would be making damn sure i had a job to go to .
Any possibility of selling some of the items bought using the card ( e.g. ipod, TV, CDs, DVDs) to fund repayment ?