Credit card company changed payment due date


Registered User
hi there,
This is rather urgent and my previous attempt to post this failed, not sure why but my browser went blank.

I have been with Halifax, Bank of Scotland, for a few years now and when they exited Ireland they converted my credit card debt into a loan which they did with all credit cards as far as i know. I have been making monthly repayments since then, though I did miss a few months, but since then I have made the payment on time each month. The payment due date is usually in or around the same few days each month and I budget to make the payment before then. I normally pay the total due in one payment, one transaction, but last month, for the first time, I paid in 3 separate payments/transactions. I made the first payment for a third of the total about 7 days after the due date so I thought that would be safe enough, i then made the next 2 payments and thought I had this month sorted.

I then got the monthly statement from them in the post, and lo and behold, they have changed the payment due date completely, to one week forward, (i.e from 1st may - 8th may) and they have thus counted the first payment I made as belonging to the previous month, resulting in it looking like i have overpaid for last month, and have now underpaid for this month. I must make another payment of that amount in order to make up the difference but I really do not think this is fair. I called them twice to ask about this and they said they were looking in to it for me but I have yet to hear back from them!

What are my rights here as regards their changing the payment due date? I do not have this money budgeted for and can't really afford another payment until next month and they have really messed things up on me.
162 views, no replies. Not looking good!

Anyway learned a lesson- pay loan/credit card, etc. near the due date, and pay in one transaction.
You probably didn't get replies as your post is very complicated. And you messed around with the payment no end. So it's hard to tell who is in the wrong here.

But for sure it would be a better idea to pay your bill on time every month.
Have to disagree that my post was complicated.

The simple point I made was that the bank changed my due date forward of 7 days, but did so in retrospect, so that a payment I made in good faith was matched with the previous month, rather than as counting for the following month.

No easier way to explain this unless someone wants to paraphrase.

I've complained and am expecting reply from them this week (3rd week).