Credit agency

  • Thread starter 2012debtfree
  • Start date


im new to this so if i leave anything out, just let me know. here goes, i am currently in debt to a total of 38 thousand which is stressful but i will get there in the end.

my question is, vodafone (owe 1600) sold my debt to a credit agency who wanted 480 a month, have managed to get them down to 250 a month as that is the max i can afford..i had agreed to start making payments in june (15th) now they are saying that i agreed to start this month..i refused and they sent out a letter saying i was in breach of the installment plan and they want the total now. So i brought everything they sent me to FLAC and asked advice, he told me that it doesnt state in any of the letters that i agreed to start in may..theres no date at all so his advice was to ignore them and pay in june..

do you think i should? what could they do if i just carried on and started paying in june? thanks again
Do they actually have an installment as this can only be granted by a judge to be enforced if not and you have nothing in writing you should be Ok.
Do they actually have an installment as this can only be granted by a judge to be enforced if not and you have nothing in writing you should be Ok.
They can only get an instalment order if they first obtain a judgement in the courts and you then fail to pay up. What they are talking about is some sort of informal ad hoc agreement to pay them so much per month.
The AGREED INTSALMENT plan they are talking about is an informal agreement between you and them, it is not binding. However they may employ a solicitor to recover all of the monies owed at this stage, but unlikely to receive a court date before June (arguing over a month, how petty). I had the unfortunate experience of dealing with debt collection agencies in the past and what I did, which made me smile a bit was to bypass them completely and repay the original creditor (vodafone in this case) the full amount all at once. If you call either party they will tell you this can't be done but if you have a previous bill you can pay it in the post office. Then let them seek all the judgements they want, as the debt will be satisfied when and if it goes to court. Therefore they do not get the commission for recovering the debt. It worked for me against Eircell, and GE Capital woodchester, both employed Intrum Justicia to collect, not at all helpful to deal with so I paid back both companies directly.
thankyou for all your responses, it is intrum that are collecting the debt.. and believe me, they are not easy to deal with! i have taken your advice and after the 4th call i rang them back and told them that i would make the 1st payment in june,they are seeking the whole debt now but according to mabs and flac, they cant take what i dont have so thankyou again x