Creche holidays & flights already booked


Registered User
This is a hard one to put a meaningful title to!

Basically when our two kids joined a local small creche this month the manager told us that they close for the last 2 weeks in August. It also said this in the creche brochure that we have.

We were fine with this & only last week we booked flights to the US in the Aer Lingus sale for that fortnight.

The manager of the creche told us yesterday that she'd made a mistake & it's actually the first two weeks they close for.

I'm willing to change the flights but there's a cost involved of almost €600.

Do I have any legal right to demand that the creche foot this €600 bill?

Thanks in advance for any replies!
I doubt it very much. You do not have a contract with the creche with respect to a holiday. At a push you could seek specific performance of the contract that you DID enter into with the creche but enforcing that through the courts would be ludicrous. Could you possibly have a word with them and explain the situation and see if you could get a reduced rate for a couple of months to soften the blow for you?
sorry but thats just taking the-----. its your business when you put your children in school and pay .why on earth should they foot the bill.they made a mistake .It happens.if they want to close for a day in april for example there not going to pay your days wage to take off work and look after the kids.Be realistic. optimist made a good point .Could you possibly have a word with them and explain the situation and see if you could get a reduced rate for a couple of months to soften the blow for you? But i doubt they will.
Why am I taking the pi$$?

I pay them for a service & ok they've made a mistake but that mistake is going to either cost me €600 to change the flights or else 2 weeks off work (while still paying the creche fees (it's 12 equal monthly installments)).

The only reason I chose those two weeks for my holiday was because they said that's when they shut for holidays.
you did say in your post that you can change the booking but pay 600 extra which means your job has no problem to allow you to change your work holidays.Quote:I'm willing to change the flights but there's a cost involved of almost €600. as for paying the 12 months in advance well as i said i agreed with the other poster,you could aproach the child carer and explain .they may be willing to cut you some slack .

I was just saying that because of their mistake I can either
a) pay the €600 to change the flights or
b) take more time off

Obviously I'm going to go with option a as it's the cheaper option but I'm still €600 down due to their mistake.

I'll suggest the reduced rate.