Creche changing their prices at last minute.


Registered User

I have a question and hope someone might be able to answer. In February I contacted my local creche ( Community Childcare) and received a price for part-time care by email. Today I contacted them to make sure everything was OK for the start on Monday and they have informed me that the price has changed - they have put the price up x5. Now the situation I am in is that I really can not afford to use this creche now, but my child is starting on Monday and I have no altenative arrangements.

Any advice AAM?
I know I sent my daughter to playschool one after noon a week last april/may/june for €10. Its gone up to €11 for this sept onwards for same three hours. At a meeting for parents I found there is different rates for children with medical card, social welfare payments etc.

Perhaps put your case to the manager and see if they can do anything for you. No harm trying it anyway. Im surprised they ddin't alert you to the fact the price was going up with your child starting monday.
Hi Sandals, thanks for response. I know the creche are entitled to change their fees but I was only informed today and she starts on Monday!! The fee has gone from less than €10 per day to more than €25.. crazy! The fact that they sent me an email with the price and I paid the deposit and signed the booking form.. can they do this... they probably can but just very unfair.
Did the price they originally give you assume you are entitled to a subvention perhaps?
Hi Sarahmc, the only thing the crèche are saying is that the government changed the subvention from 52 weeks to 38? But I'm not sure when this changed! I wasn't quoted the subvention rate
. Thanks.
Looks like they were using subvention funding to keep all costs low which they were not meant to be doing. Their hand was forced either by the funding cut or an audit. Sorry, but I don't think there is anything you can do. Shoddy practice on their part though.
Thanks for taking the time to respond! Looks like im back to the beginning looking for child care.. And all weekend to sort it out.
Did you speak to the manager, this is terrible practice on their part. I wouldnt let this go as its left you in a terrible situation. Have you considered any family member which would give you a bit of breathing space to find child care, perhaps a local childminder, although these aren't cheap either (for good reason though). Good luck with it all.