Creative MP3 player not turning on


Registered User
Hi. My Creative Zen MP3 player won't turn on, it also won't connect to my PC. My question is have I any way of getting all the songs which are stored in it copied to my PC and so available to download to a new MP3.........Or since I can't get it to turn on or connect to PC are these songs lost to me?
From my experience of CREATIVE ZEN players (Vision:M, V Plus, ZEN), I would assume that battery is completely flat, and so would leave it attached to the PC, to recharge, for a couple of hours before trying to switch it on. I also have a CREATIVE mains charger, which charges the battery faster (than with USB).

Also, have you tried the Reset function ?

Failing that, I would assume it's 'bricked'.
Hi Tarfhead, yes it was charged before it decided to not turn on, even when connected by USB when I try to use the desktop zen application it tells me Player is not connected. It's not the USB that's the problem though as it won't do anything even when not connected. Reset won't work. This MP3 is pretty old and has been in the handbag for years, could be old age that killed it, how will I get the songs off it? And what does "bricked" mean?

If you can't get it to turn on, then the content, probably, cannot be retrieved. CREATIVE do have a software utility called something like MP3 Recovery Tool, but if the PC won't recognise that the player is connected, that may be of little use.

Have you tried different USB cables, different USB ports on the PC, connecting it directly to a PC, as opposed to through a USB hub ?
Gah, is the storage drived messed up? Might be best seeking a replacement if your warranty is valid
No warranty on it at this stage and I don't mind buying a new one but i really want to get the music out of it and onto a laptop so i can transfer to a new creative. I don't own all the cds i have on the MP3 so cant just put them on a new one. I may have to just face that with the MP3 not turning on and not connecting via USB to a computer its gone beyond repair.