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Creationism, it is quite common in America to meet people who believe in it. Not the "yes, God had a hand in it and started the ball rolling" type of vague Intelligent Design but the Book of Genesis, "let there be light" all over and done with in 6 days, type.
I found it strange to talk to these people and had to work hard not to make fun of them, but they were not stupid; they just has a different starting point, different defined truths, when looking at the world. They can cite all sorts of "Creationist Science" to back up their views.
So, does anyone in this country believe in 6 day creationism or know anyone who does? Can those people put up a (seemingly) rational argument for their beliefs?
I certainly don't believe it and don't know anyone who does. I know a few men (and women) of the cloth also - they all take it with a pinch of salt.

That's the thing about fundamentalism though isn't it - you have to accept the fundamentals of it or you are not a fundamentalist.
So if these people have accepted the teachings, general way of life/morality etc based on their faith, they have to accept it all and will defend it to the hilt.

In so called moderate, mainstream christianity (especially church of England/Ireland) degrees of scepticism and doubt are permitted - encouraged sometimes.
yes, my experience would be the same as Caveats. I don't think Ive ever met anyone who supports Creationism in the vanilla sense (i.e. 6 days etc.).

What is worrying is that new religious movements (even among creationists) are increasing everywhere... The more the split between the groups (even religious) the more the chaos...
What, exactly, do you mean by this?

My starting point when looking at science is scientific; their starting point when they look at science is religious. Their defined truths are religious, no matter what they are examining. They look for science that agrees with their pre-defined views. True science looks at the evidence that is available and draws the most likely conclusion. Scientists use Occam's razor, not the Book of Genesis.
Here is a Catholic archbishops viewpoint on creationism...

[broken link removed]

Some excerpts from this....;

I don't know how reflective this is of mainstream Catholic doctrine today, but interesting nonetheless.
AFAIK that is the mainstream Catholic position. I seem to remember the previous Pope accepting the big bang etc (in the sense that God kickstarted the universe with the Big Bang)? Maybe I'm wrong.
all religious beliefs are illlogical and seem silly and ridicolous to those who do not share them. before anyone mocks the beliefs of other religions they should consider how outsiders would view their own religious beliefs.
e.g. for non-catholics, transubstanstation, trinity, praying to saints for intercession to a deity,indulgences etc seem no more daft than creationism or yogic flying
before anyone mocks the beliefs of other religions they should consider how outsiders would view their own religious beliefs.
No warped thinking deserves any automatic deference or respect. In fact - quite the opposite in my opinion. This idea of automatic respect for any religious beliefs is a total anachronism. On the other hand I might keep my views to myself and my head down (and on!) if I ever visit any crazy theocracies in the near future...
e.g. for non-catholics, transubstanstation, trinity, praying to saints for intercession to a deity,indulgences etc seem no more daft than creationism or yogic flying
For non-Catholics (even those with their own warped thinking belief systems) most of those things will appear daft. Because they are.
e.g. for non-catholics, transubstanstation, trinity, praying to saints for intercession to a deity,indulgences etc seem no more daft than creationism or yogic flying

Just wondering why these things appear daft? Is it because we cannot give a rational explanation for them? In which case the origins of the universe, some quantum mechanics, love, hate etc would be daft too.
A creationism thread...

So, does anyone in this country believe in 6 day creationism or know anyone who does? Can those people put up a (seemingly) rational argument for their beliefs?
I disbelieve in evolution.
Here's what's wrong with it;
- It's not based on science. It isn't something that can be repeated again and again in a lab (like electromagnetism or something). The imperical evidence is also sketchy. If stuff has been evolving for millions of years, there should be millions of fossils to support it. But there aren't.

- Why aren't there loads of 'half formed' creatures around. Would evolution really 'cut creatures off' so distinctly?

- A half formed wing or eye is useless, and should be disgarded by the theory. Birds shouldn't ever have evolved.

- Why should single cell creatures even bother evolving? - aren't they getting on just fine, thank-you-very-much.

- More subtly, it's not 'survival of the fittest' but 'death of the weakest'. This is important.

- It's a theory, but it is often cited as fact or law.

6 Day Creationism is faith based, just as evolution is.

There are lots and lots of articles on the internet about Creationism Vs Evolution. I'm going to stop here.