Crayon/Marker marks: does tenant have a right to ask me to redecorate the room?

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Just because your own kids never did it doesn't mean anything.
I'm afraid I don't agree with you there - it's a case of respect for other people's property.

I lived in rented accommodation for the first 5 years of my child's life and he never drew on the walls because he was told not to do it.

Respect for others and their property (not necessarily houses) appears to have gone out the window in recent years.
sittingroom had alot of crayon / marker on the walls which I suspect the kids did.

What's about swapping the kids's crayon for emulsion paint & brushes?

After 4 years of renting , its does not seem unreasonable to freshen up the room with a new coat of paint.
Hi all,

And thanks for all the replies - definitely food for thought.

Firstly, I have kept the rent the same as it is matches the market rates at the moment, in fact, it is a bit short of the market rates but due to market conditions and a plentitude of houses, I have decided to remain competative.

I look at being a landlord from a "big picture" point of view. I am living in Dublin, so do not want the hassle of tenants moving all the time. Therefore, fulfilling their requests pays dividends in the long run. Also, I have made a nice profit on the property for doing, in the grand scheme of things, very little. Treating tenants with respect is important but there is a line, even for me, to be drawn (not with marker or crayon, mind!). The extras I have bought for the house (shed, fence etc) I would consider extras that will help me rent the property out quickly when the current tenant moves on. Also, it also makes the house that bit more "saleable" if and when I do decide to sell.

One important point I forgot to mention is that the tenant hinted on moving on early in 2008, so I would prefer to get the whole house painted after they have moved on.

So, all in all, at a minimum I think the tenant should pay for a part of the decoration of the room in question. At this moment in time they have accepted the no decoration route but will wait and see.

Finally, to answer earlier questions about the bath, it seems something was dropped to cause the crack. The insurance company paid for all this so no expense there.

And, yes, I do pay tax!

Thanks again,

Finally, to answer earlier questions about the bath, it seems something was dropped to cause the crack. The insurance company paid for all this so no expense there.

Maybe at no expense to you. However, baths which were brand new 4 years ago generally do not develop cracks in the bottom of them.....unless something heavy was dropped to cause the crack. Maybe the insurance paid for it and you had no expense there, but if we all dropped heavy things in our baths all our insurance premiums would go up.
No expense ? Have you got your insurance renewal since the bath was replaced ? Going on previous experience, your premium will have increased because your property has had a claim made against it. This will be a cost to you, and probably for some years to come.


In a perfect world, there would be no expense in anything. I take some comfort in the fact that I can write off insurance premiums etc against tax. Sometimes, you have to take the bad with the good.

With reference to their nationality, nothing more than informational. Full stop.


Just wondering what the tenant's nationality has to do with anything?

Well my preference would be to rent to Eastern Europeans, hardworking and respectful of you and your property. As I've stated on other threads, I believe that you expose yourself to a higher risk of your property being thrashed if you rent to tenants who are getting handouts from the state weather they be Irish or non Irish.
I take it that Donking has never been a landlord.

Cause if he had been he wouldnt be spouting on like he has..

Less of the personel comments if you don't mind

I take it that Donking has never been a landlord.

Its crazy to expect the landlord paint the room because the tenants kids scribbled on the walls. the tenant wants it done that badly let them do it themselves..

Who's saying a landlord should be responsible to repaint if a tenants child scribbles on a wall? It's quite clear that this is damage caused by the tenant's child however a tenant has a right to expect redocoration after a reasonable amount of tenancy.
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