Craig Doyle and Iarnrod Eireann ad


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Is anyone else irked by the current Iarnrod Eireann ad featuring Craig Doyle?

I must confess at the outset that the said Mr Doyle annoys me no end. I find him all style (for want of a better word) and no substance. He's the complete opposite of monotone, with an annoyong propernsity of raising and lowering his pitch several times in a single sentence. For the easily distracted, this has the capacity to mask the bullsh!t he normally comes out with.

The IR ad sees Craig in full flow. It casts him in a number of "deep" scenarios - e.g. staring into the mid-distance contemplating the strides that IR have made in recent years, nodding sagely on production of his electronic ticket, etc.

The most annoyng part, however is the voiceover which seems to have been scripted solely for the purpose of giving full license to his pitch-altering abilities e.g " allow for the deilivery of new intercity carraiges (raise pitch) that have started arriving (lower pitch) from Northern Spain."

What is the significance of "Northern" Spain in particular? Is it a famous carraige-producing region with much the same reputation for trains as, say, the Chainti region has for wine? Are passengers, on boarding one of the new carraiges, likely to statre into the mide-distance (much as Craig might) and say, "this carraige is soo impressive it can only be from northern Spain".

Or is it that the inclusion of "northern" Spain was necessary to allow Craig add a extra pitch change to his voiceover. I suspect the latter.

Anyway, I realise this is just the demented rant of someone who should know better than tho take these things seriously. But having unloaded my annoyance onto the appropriate forum, I feel somewhat liberated.

Magoo said:
Is anyone else irked by the current Iarnrod Eireann ad featuring Craig Doyle?

I must confess at the outset that the said Mr Doyle annoys me no end. I find him all style (for want of a better word) and no substance. He's the complete opposite of monotone, with an annoyong propernsity of raising and lowering his pitch several times in a single sentence. For the easily distracted, this has the capacity to mask the bullsh!t he normally comes out with.

The IR ad sees Craig in full flow. It casts him in a number of "deep" scenarios - e.g. staring into the mid-distance contemplating the strides that IR have made in recent years, nodding sagely on production of his electronic ticket, etc.

The most annoyng part, however is the voiceover which seems to have been scripted solely for the purpose of giving full license to his pitch-altering abilities e.g " allow for the deilivery of new intercity carraiges (raise pitch) that have started arriving (lower pitch) from Northern Spain."

What is the significance of "Northern" Spain in particular? Is it a famous carraige-producing region with much the same reputation for trains as, say, the Chainti region has for wine? Are passengers, on boarding one of the new carraiges, likely to statre into the mide-distance (much as Craig might) and say, "this carraige is soo impressive it can only be from northern Spain".

Or is it that the inclusion of "northern" Spain was necessary to allow Craig add a extra pitch change to his voiceover. I suspect the latter.

Anyway, I realise this is just the demented rant of someone who should know better than tho take these things seriously. But having unloaded my annoyance onto the appropriate forum, I feel somewhat liberated.

I am curious, do you share accomodation with other people?
To the best of my knowledge Northern Spain is famous for its production of rolling stock. Each carriage is lovingly handcrafted from the locally grown "Esperanto" Reed - which despite being a plant looks very like steel when painted grey and yet still manages to offer the same level of protection as wet tissue paper in the event of a crash. Each seat in each carriage is sat on by a succession of elderly Basque widows to test for comfort and then jumped upon repeatedly by 14 or 15 scruffy yet still adorable Spanish street urchins. As an added extra train carriages can be supplied with their own customised graffiti - the more progressive and discerning customer can further customise by requesting a different themed graffiti for each carriage. Finally each carriage is married to a local 17-year-old virgin before being sent to Ireland where it will be treated with love and respect by the good people that will use it everyday.

I feel Craig Doyle is what Iarnrod Eireann aspire to be - all style and no substance.

[broken link removed]
They mention Northern Spain so we'll be willing to try it. If they said Made
in Ireland we'd all stick to our cars.

the trains now seem to come from all over the place. The Arrow is from Japan, the enterprise is American and now Spain for the intercity. Inchicore and Dundalk were the places in the 50's. Times have certainly changed. And didn't I read somewhere recently that the Chinese were giving out about that latest order from Iaronrod as they could have produced the carriages at half the price.
cuchulainn said:
And didn't I read somewhere recently that the Chinese were giving out about that latest order from Iaronrod as they could have produced the carriages at half the price.
Yeah - it's amazing what you can do with a totalitarian system and access to slave prison labour isn't it?
Its because IR and the RPA will buy their trains/trams from the cheapest supplier. They are all made by CAF in northern Spain. Pity they won't buy more locally eg the UK.
Pity they wouldn't get someone better than Craig Bloody Doyle to do their ads... :D

They should bring back that lovely old "Green, green grass of home" ad, you remember the one, with the gorgeous young matching-aran-sweaters couple, the misty-eyed mammy and the dopy-looking red setter. Actually, the dog was probably the least dopy of the lot — I believe (s)he went on to a long and lucrative career with Bus Eireann!
Has anyone travelled recently on the Sligo - Dublin line? I'm sure they are the same carriages that carried me up and down in the 70's. They are worse than what you would see in Siberia. They look like someone has been throwing stones at them for decades - all punch marks and rust. Tourists must be shocked when they see them.
bond-007 said:
Its because IR and the RPA will buy their trains/trams from the cheapest supplier. They are all made by CAF in northern Spain. Pity they won't buy more locally eg the UK.
Why? If they are getting the best deal (withing the EU?) then surely they should get some credit for this? If they ordered from the UK at a higher price then the usual suspects would surely be moaning about the waste of money.
ophelia said:
Has anyone travelled recently on the Sligo - Dublin line? I'm sure they are the same carriages that carried me up and down in the 70's.

No, but I am led to believe that the Sligo line is where train are sent to die, and that the rolling stock dates from the 1960s.
While this is an IE rant .. it really annoys me to hear their PR apologist Barry Kenny claim that a high percentage of DARTS are on time, when on time, in IE terminology is scheduled time plus or minus 5 minutes :eek: .

"It's life Jim, but not as we know it"
TarfHead said:
No, but I am led to believe that the Sligo line is where train are sent to die, and that the rolling stock dates from the 1960s.
Wasn't it the great Pat Ingoldsby who claimed that every tannoy announcement at every CIE station was completely intelligible except for the mandatory suffix of 'except for passengers travelling to Sligo'?
DrMoriarty said:
Pity they wouldn't get someone better than Craig Bloody Doyle to do their ads... :D
Why are they wasting money on ads at all . . Dublin Bus are at it as well . . is it not money down the drain?
Clubman: I wasn't advocating buying the Chinese Trains. Nor do I have any gripe against the rpa for buying fromSpain etc. Glad in fact that its employing EU citizens of which I am one.Just reflecting on a skill we once had at Inchicore ( cie ) and Dundalk ( gnr) and which we no longer have.
if you think its bad for IE to advertise - they have alternative modes of transport to deal with - what about ESB & they've been at it forever.

Though they did give us that great add of the young fella back from college for Christmas & its all glowing

.... I think I'm going back... to the things I learned so my youth.....
well they might advertise. Dundalk to Dublin IE €20 return monday to thursday.€23 return on fridays. Matthews Coaches €10 return. No restriction on return date. Motorway travel. Bum side is that infernal port tunnel. and no - I dont work for or have any connection with Matthews. Just use them for my odd trp to the smoke.
Saw the ad again tonight and, if I am not mistaken, he says 'double the number of DARTs'.

Eh, don't think so - double the number of carriages at peak time is not the same as double the number of DARTS. And the one I get from Bayside at 07:50 has 6 carriages, as does the 17:20 heading home from Booterstown.

Maybe trains travelling through town between 08:00 and 08:30 or between 17:30 and 18:00 are not at 'peak' ? Hmmm