crackdown on boy racers

About time. The police in the UK have had this 'technology' for years. A sound level meter is hardly breaking technology thats what cracks me up. There are several where I live and the cars are better at waking me up than my alarm clock.
It does say that they will be given a chance to rectify the problem - won't be dished out a sentence for a first time offense! That would harsh if you had just lost your exhaust or something.
Ontario will seize and crush your vehicle if caught speeding 50km/hr over the limit plus a CAN$10,000 fine.
No one ever died because of a noisy exhaust, plenty have from people speeding.

Agreed. Speeding and drink are the most serious traffic violations becauae they can cause death.

However, seriously noisy exhausts are a nusiance, especially for the neighbours who are forced to listen to them day in and day out.
Noise pollution should not be tolerated.

It is only right that they be banned and the only way of inforcing a ban, is punishment.

Nuisances should be punished with fines , not prison.
No one ever died because of a noisy exhaust, plenty have from people speeding.

Totally agree. I know noisy exhausts are a pain but I'd be reluctant to be too heavy handed about it,if thats the only offence been committed. We can't after all expect boys/girls to behave the same as adults. However speeding and drink/drug driving are a different matter and I think should be severly dealt with.
Totally disagree with the easy handed approach to noise pollution which clearly has not worked the last few decades considering the amount of noisy pieces of junk on our roads. Its one of the most irritating and unnecessary afflictions to the public on our roads and it affects everybody not just the user.

Agree that it may not be a life/death situation like drink driver but why should it be tolerated – these are unnecessary modifications to a road vehicle.

Also this idea of segregating acceptability between adults and boys/girls is not a valid excuse either. Everyone with a road licence is 17+ and given the right to drive as they considered competent so every road user should reading from the same page – no exceptions.

Agree completely, some people are more affected by noise than others. A relative of mine has been literally driven demented by the neighbours children roaring around their back garden on mini dirt bikes! They had to go to the expense of installing triple glazing and begging the neighbour to keep the noise down.

I'm in Switzerland at the moment and noise pollution is, quite rightly, absolutely not tollerated. Why should the majority of the population suffer because some prat wants everyone to look at him?
Is this before or after we get the country back from the brink? Whatever system is brought in, it will cost vulgar amount of cash and not work properly/ Look at the state of the penalty points system. Joke just like this article.

Whats your issue with the penalty points system?
whats the regulations with regard to tinting then?

the term 'boy-racer' is also sexist...should be changed