CPU Problem


Registered User
My cpu is running extremely high 100% most of the time.Went into task manager and its saying iexplore.exe is hogging it up.I tried ccleaner and that didnt work.So I reinstalled the operting system (Windows Vista) and still this iexplore.exe/explore.exe is causing my computer to slow down cpu running high in spikes then running at 100% all the time..any help would be great..
This sounds like a virus is running on your pc. I would suggest downloading spybot search and destroy its free letting it update and then running it on your pc. It will take awhile but it will find any virus or trojan on your pc.

Plus make sure you have some anti virus software running on your pc. Definately sounds like a virus if ieplore.exe/internet explorer is hogging all of the cpu
You should double check what it is called. Perhaps it is exp1orer or maybe iexploer, in which case you have a Trojan, and you can Google for the best way to remove it.
It could be trying to do updates either. I doubt its virus/spyware problem if you've just done a clean install. Is internet explorer up to date? It could be trying to update from version 7 to version 8 and requires you to accept the agreement.
Have to say I found Vista to constantly doing things in the background, and constantly using the hard disk. You might be bothered by this on a desktop, but on a laptop its a pain. Windows 7 is better, but still seem to use the hard disk a lot. I turn off everything I can, disk indexing and as many services as I can, but I could never stop it on either OS. XP doesn't do it.