Cowen;no need to be ashamed..

The Taoiseach says there is no reason for any Irish person to feel ashamed or humiliated about the Irish debt crisis.
Oh dear God..............

I was amazed when I heard him say that .....he needs to stand infront of the mirror & look at the key person who should be hanging his head in deep shame.

He was the Minister of Finance through our biggest boom and "leader" (I use the term very loosely) of the country for our crash.
It is true that the likes of Cowen won`t feel any shame or humiliation. He is a very rich man with a secure pension and will be able to provide well for his family no matter how bad the austerity measures are.
Our college leavers with no jobs will feel ashamed and humiliated. Those that will feel forced to emigrate...remember they are only getting half dole rate here.....will feel ashamed and humiliated as they compete for jobs in a foreign jurisdiction.Our unemployed and sick and welfare dependant will feel ashamed and humiliated as the benefits are cut and they are told that they are a problem...a burden on the state.Those that can`t pay their mortgage as their pay is cut or their job gone will feel a lot of humiliation.
Its embarrassing listening to Cowen , who at this stage is not addressing the irish people...his audience is the well heeled FF constituency.
All the pain coming will be completely in vain unless we have a massive revolution in our political system as regards expenses, State cars, number of TDs etc.
Will FG/Labour have the guts to do this ?
It`s is true that the likes of Cowen won`t feel any shame or humiliation. He is a very rich man with a secure pension .

His pension (like that of every other public servant) is only as secure as the State, which is not very secure these days. There is also a pretty good chance than an incoming Govt will cut or cap excessive pensions, e.g. those paid to people who are not yet over 65.