Cowen;no need to be ashamed..


Registered User
The Taoiseach says there is no reason for any Irish person to feel ashamed or humiliated about the Irish debt crisis.
Oh dear God..............
The Taoiseach says there is no reason for any Irish person to feel ashamed or humiliated about the Irish debt crisis.
Oh dear God..............

Yea, except him and his government and the last government (the FF one) and the Civil Servants who were supposed to advise them and the boards of the banks and the property developers and the Union fat-cats that lied through their teeth to get two rounds of benchmarking and the idiots that borrowed massive amounts for apartments in Letterkenney and Budapest and the Costa Del Whatever and the idiots that run up €40’000 credit card bills on holidays and consumer goods.... I’m sure there’s a few more but other than them I agree with him.
Thanks Mr Cowen. For a long time now I have been living with the shame of the belief that 'I' actually caused this mess. I had come up with the conclusion that the economic crash had been caused on the day I bought that extra grind for my son.:eek:

It was the self-serving interests, croneyism, and blatant disregard for democracy by your government which caused this.thank you Herr Cowen for absolving me.
Yea, except him and his government and the last government (the FF one) and the Civil Servants who were supposed to advise them and the boards of the banks and the property developers and the Union fat-cats that lied through their teeth to get two rounds of benchmarking and the idiots that borrowed massive amounts for apartments in Letterkenney and Budapest and the Costa Del Whatever and the idiots that run up €40’000 credit card bills on holidays and consumer goods.... I’m sure there’s a few more but other than them I agree with him.

I agree with all of your post except "the Civil Servants who were supposed to advise them".

Do we know what advise they gave him. My hunch is the government were advised but the advise was ignored.
The Govenment may take advice from civil servants, but why do they then go and pay private companies to provide eh..... advice again??

Exactly who have they been listening to then?
Guys and gals,can you start your own threads about the PS v the Private S..
Every post is starting to mention the PS..give it a rest...Please...
+1. A lot of posters on this forum seem to despise the public service, blaming them for the meltdown. Give it over, it's getting pretty boring at this stage.
I dont think anyone should blame them (public service) for the meltdown (much and all as I've no time for unions), but to say they should be immune from the solution just ignores basic maths.

On the broader point, lets get over the embarassment, ok we messed up, lets take the money, thanks, and move on. Hopefully chastened, and with a chest beating earnestness to recapture our soul, play it straight from now on, and not... gulp.... "lose the run of ourselves" again.

Its been the biggest lesson in "Pride comes before a fall" in manys a year. & thats not borne out of inferiority complex that says we must always be God fearing and without an This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language in our trousers, but we became so awful in our nouveau richness that I can understand the foreign smugness at our fall from grace. Next time out I'm hopeful we'll handle ourselves a whole lot better.
And the people we blamed for everything negative for centuries might be storming to our aid . . . the Brits!!!!

Let's apologise for 1916 fast!!!
One to add to the blame list - all those that never bothered their arses voting.

Whatever about the choices made by those who voted, at least they voted.

Now when anyone starts the blame conversation, I ask them if they regularly voted and if the answer is no, I tell them to **** off.
Look, it was the US decision to let lehman brothers go that is the problem.
Pat Neary FF in the vinent browne show said he was not ashamed.He then got the hair dryer treatment from Pat Rabbite.Very entertaining.
Add one more to the blame list -

the People of Ireland

For being naieve, financially illiterate, voting for gombeens, lacking critical analysis skills, believing their own propoganda, and finally and by no means last...

always finding someone else to blame.
Ah but the important question is whether you have anything in Budapest :)

Nope, I don’t invest in things I don’t understand (like the property market in Budapest) or things that don’t seem to stack up (like Irish bank shares over the last few years).